Cut Clarity Carat Colour

Two diamonds of equal weight can have very different values because the quality is still determined by the color clarity and cut.
Cut clarity carat colour. Cut is different from shape. Keep in mind that the per carat price gets multiplied by the carat weight. Some people mistake a diamond s cut for a diamond s shape. If you ve really done your homework you probably also know that gemologists grade diamonds based on the 4 c s clarity color cut and carat.
This video explains the 4cs cut color clarity and carat weight the most important characteristics of buying a diamond. Unfortunately out of diamond cut clarity color and carat cut is one of the most difficult characteristics of a diamond for shoppers to evaluate on their own. This is why it is so important to stick with diamonds which have a cut grade that has been determined by an experienced and reputable jeweler and or gemological laboratory. A diamond s cut refers to how it is proportioned its symmetry and as well as its polish.
The heavier the diamond the greater the carat weight. In the cut color clarity carat equation the cut of a diamond refers to everything man has done in the process of converting it from a piece of rough natural diamond material into a finished gemstone capable of the beautiful brightness and sparkle which makes diamonds the most popular of all precious gems. As diamonds increase in size their cost tends to increase exponentially rather than arithmetically. The 4cs of diamonds this short tutorial explains the 4cs of diamonds cut color clarity and carat weight the most important characteristics to understand when making a diamond purchase.
A diamond s characteristics based on standards of cut color clarity and carat heavily determines its value. Accordingly the cost per carat of a larger diamond of the same color clarity and cut will be higher than a smaller diamond. Clarity is the absence of imperfections whereas color is the absence of color.