Craziest Things Found In The Attic

This rusty old knife was found in someone s ceiling.
Craziest things found in the attic. This creepy mask has been hanging in the attic wall for years it s just one creepy things found in attics. Another was a bunch of old spanish coins and a treasure map. Nothing stays buried forever. Here are 20 terrifying things found by new homeowners.
This unsigned van gogh was surprisingly found in the attic of a norwegian home. Opening it he found all sorts of interesting things inside. 10 strange things found on california beaches. Over years of traveling the california coast to visit beaches we have discovered so many amazing places and also some strange things.
One was a photo of his great grandparents apparently taken on their wedding day. The boy s discovery in the diepholz germany attic is either real or a great forgery. When stephane gabet was perusing through the attic of jacques bellanger he did not expect to find the skull of a 400 year old monarch. So green headed up to the attic whereupon he discovered that a family of raccoons had taken over the space nesting urinating dropping feces and generally making a big smelly dangerous.
The building used to be a business and the owners may have lived upstairs before it was converted for other use. Of course he had to open it and he came across a small weird bed a wall. An old preserved skull was found in the attic of jacques bellanger. The fact that the mummy was encased inside a sarcophagus with hieroglyphic adornments makes for a strong case but the cloth wrappings of the body were found to be machine made.
This was none other than henry iv who was the ruler of france up to 1610. We wanted to share pictures and stories about these man made curiosities. One couple ripped up their carpet to find this giant monopoly board painted onto their hardwood. Here is our list of the top 10 strange things you ll.
Case in point a box found by a florida man while cleaning out his grandparents attic. A man on reddit reveals that he found an entire house hiding in his very own attic. The small door at the back of his attic caught his attention. The skull of the mummy also has an arrowhead lodged inside of it.