Coyote Blind Set

Rama smith 160 791 views.
Coyote blind set. Blind set is concealed and covered the same way as flat sets. How to blind set coyotes fox. The blind set is constructed on a coyote s natural pathway with no bait or lure used. Lee allen blind trail set traps duration.
Offset your trap to the right or the left a couple of inches from where you. Make the dirt hole 10 to 12 inches deep use bait lure and urine on this set bed your trap well a rocking trap will cause a coyote to dig it up place the trap as close as you can to the dirt hole while still burring it. Once a natural travelway is found a trap can be bedded on the trail or a snare can be used. Best step over set ever for coyote trapping and equipment and bait needed duration.
Fox coyote bobcat coon trapping tips cheap no bait no lures 3 sets blind walk thru dirt hole duration. Wanna learn a few tricks on creating a blind set in deep snow for fox bobcat coyote wolf fisher and much more this video will show our technique used al. When it jumps over the fence or when it leaves the ground to jump. It is effective because the coyote does not expect the set to be there.