Cottage Law Labels

Revised in 2014 revised in 2015 and expected to be revised for 2018.
Cottage law labels. The washington cottage food operations law allows you to make certain low risk food in your home kitchen and sell it directly to the consumer. The cottage food law specifies that the name and address of the business of the cottage food operation must be included on the label. Any documents contained on this web site that are translations from original text written in english are unofficial and not binding on this state or a political subdivision of this state. Illinois cottage food laws regulations and facts.
A cottage food opera tion may only sell cot tage food products which are prepackaged with a label affixed that contains the following information. What are the requirements for the labeling of cottage food products. A cottage food product is a non hazardous food sold at a farmer s market or public events. Statement of identity the name of the food product.
Take your required food handler s training. Create your required food labels. Printed in english the name and ad dress of the cottage. Adhs is open monday through friday from 8 a m.
Accurate as of may 2014. Personalize applicable lines to your business and products. Cottage law requirements source. How can i meet the labeling requirements when i can t stick a label on the cake.
We would advise labeling every package of food in order to fully comply with the law. Cottage food laws md comar regulations 10 15 03 02 10 15 03 27 maryland s modified cottage food law allows citizens to operate from a home based kitchen or on farm food processing kitchen to produce cottage foods. Fully compliant with florida cottage law. Submit the actual label that will be attached to your product.
It s as easy as 1 2 3. Cottage food permit application. Ingredients list needs to be customized. 10 wrapped cookies in one large box.
What is a cottage food permit. By law the owner of a. To 5 p m except state holidays. A cottage food production operation is required to label all of their food products properly which include the following information on the label of each unit of food product offered or distributed for sale.
The cottage food operation law p a 097 0393 allows certain foods made in home kitchens to be sold at illinois farmers markets with limited regulation. Full checklist texas makes it easy there are no home read more. I make and sell wedding cakes under the cottage food law. 10 unwrapped cookies in one large box.
Yes it s legal to have a home food business. Date of the enactment of the cottage food law.