Cortical Sinus Floor

Radiographic and histomorphometric evaluation article pdf available in journal of dental.
Cortical sinus floor. As the pressure builds up the abscess may perforate into the oral cavity the maxillary sinus or even the nasal cavity. An area of pus and fluid accumulation forms in the bone surrounding the apex of the tooth. Sinus floor augmentation using mixture of mineralized cortical bone and cancellous bone allografts. The cortex of a lymph node is the outer portion of the node underneath the capsule and the subcapsular sinus.
The distance between root apex and maxillary sinus floor was the greatest in maxillary first premolars and shortest in the mesio buccal. Radicular cysts generally associated with the root apex of a carious or fractured tooth and residual cysts caused an upward displacement of the floor of the sinus but the cortical outline remained intact. Extensive dental cysts extended into the sinus away from the original epicenter fig. It has an outer part and a deeper part known as the paracortex.
The medial floor of the maxillary sinus is immediately above the roots of the first and second upper molars. When activated these may develop into what is called a germinal centre. Either of a pair of paranasal sinuses filling the bodies of the maxillary bones. Or more often spread to soft tissues causing cellulitis and a swollen face.
The cortical bone thickness was found more at sinus floor level and above it than below the sinus floor. The aim was to perform radiographic and histomorphometric evaluation after placement of mixed allografts cortical freeze dried bone allograft fdba 50 cancellous fdba 50 during sinus floor augmentation. The maxillary sinuses are large and pyramidal shaped with average dimensions of 3 5 cm x 2 5 cm x 3 2 cm. Sinus obstructions cannot be determined with periapical radiographs but are easily seen on large field sinus cbct imaging figures 3a through 3f.
To perform a within subject comparison of the cortical bone micro architecture of the maxillary sinus floor msf to that of the buccal aspect of the anterior and posterior maxilla. Micro ct scans of the buccal aspect of the anterior and posterior maxilla and of the msf in 14 human anatomical specimens were recorded. In perspective of miniscrew placement study shows that maxillary sinus floor is safer with average and hyperdivergent growth pattern than hypodivergent growth pattern. Maxillary sinus floor and buccal and palatal cortices were evaluated according to sex and age and the mean values were compared by one way analysis of variance and mann whitney u test.
A six month postoperative cbct image shows resolution of the mucositis and reestablishment of the sinus cortical floor d. Mucosal edema caused by periapical infection may progress and occlude the entire maxillary sinus or advance further to involve other paranasal sinuses.