Copper Sheet Groundingfor Health

Oz has gotten on board recently.
Copper sheet groundingfor health. Connecting to the earth is easy and can be done outdoors by walking barefoot on the earth s natural surfaces or indoors with one of our earthing products. Research has shown that taking group nature. How to try grounding earthing obviously walking outside barefoot is the easiest and cheapest way to ground yourself or practice earthing. Vitamin c and a healthy diet will keep a person out of reach of the ama.
Well known doctor and natural health proponent dr. You need larger amounts as you age. Despite the lack of strong evidence on grounding there s plenty of research on the health benefits of connecting with the earth in a less literal sense. However the most recent scientific research has explored grounding for inflammation.
Your body doesn t need much copper but when you re low your health may take a hit. It is the best health insurance policy in earth. Earthing is a fast growing movement based upon the discovery that connecting to the earth s natural energy is essential for vibrant health. Drinking several quarts of clean water is smart also.
I get 4 6 hours of earthing per night on a copper wire mat i devised plugged into a ground only wall socket. Health risks from excessive copper chronic exposure to high levels of copper can result in liver damage and gastrointestinal symptoms e g abdominal pain cramps nausea diarrhea and vomiting 10 40. Grounding has been shown to help with every aspect of the sleeping process. Improved morning fatigue less nighttime pain higher daytime energy decreased cortisol levels and falling asleep.
Grounding is currently an under researched topic and there are very few scientific studies on the benefits.